Saturday, 11 June 2016

What does GOLD mean for our local communities?

The months that have followed our selection to GOLD, have been packed full of preparation and fundraising. What has this meant for each of our communities?

Community Fundraisers: Helping to spread the word about GOLD and to challenge out-dated views of what Girlguiding is able to offer. Team Aruba have held table-top sales, a date lottery, afternoon tea, wine tasting and more. Alexandra used her wine tasting evening to help young professionals understand more about Girlguiding.

Visiting other units: As a Rainbow leader, I would never have had a reason to visit Brownies or Guides before GOLD. It's great for them, and grows my guiding knowledge! Steph has been busy visiting many units in Guernsey, and she has sold hundreds of our badges.

Inspiring Guides: Miriam has been sharing her GOLD journey with her Guides, and with university friends!
 'They were impressed that the trip wasn't about typical travel related things, but about equipping girls just like them to be leaders of the future. I think some were even a little jealous they couldn't come with me! People are always shocked how much Girlguiding offers adults.'

In this way, each GOLD project has both a local and an international legacy!

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