Wednesday, 11 May 2016

GOLD? What is it and why do we want to tell you about it?

What are you doing?
GOLD is an Overseas Guiding project linked with development that usually lasts 5 years. A team goes overseas for 3 weeks each year, delivering training in a country that has requested our support. In our case, Aruba needs help becoming a full member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts – WAGGGS. We will also be focussing on growing Guiding in Aruba and raising the self-esteem of all the women and children we engage with.
Why are you going?
We applied along with a few hundred other girls who are currently active in Girlguiding in the United Kingdom. After written application in July, intense selection weekend in October, we found out we’d been selected in Dec 2015. Once selected, you are matched to a country based on your personal strengths and experience. It is a really incredible feeling to have been selected!
Why do you have to fundraise so much?
The project costs include; flights, key equipment, uniform, resources, and travel costs for all briefing weekends, where girls travel from all over the country to meet and plan training for our expeditions. If you'd like to sponsor us, or run our fabulous badge pack, we'd love to have your support!

Who are you going with?
It is an opportunity for adult women all over the United Kingdom, and this year there are girls from a wide range of areas, including Scotland, Wales and Guernsey. Team Aruba 2016 is made up of representation from the following areas:
          Hertfordshire          Sheffield          Guernsey          York          Halifax          Chesterfield
Involved in Guiding already and aged between 18 and 30 years of age? Why not apply to GOLD 2017!

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