Friday, 22 July 2016

Guiding and self-esteem, the 3 sentence challenge...

A key training topic for GOLD Team Aruba is self-esteem, so each team member has written three sentences about the relationship between Guiding and self-esteem. We hope you enjoy reading them.

'With a severe eye condition from birth I have found it hard to make new friends due to embarrassment, but this wasn't the case with Girlguiding.  The leaders taught us all, from Rainbows through to Senior Section, that each person being unique was very important and you should never change who you are, and should be true to yourself.  Twenty three years on, I have travelled the world - on my own a lot – and am leader in charge of Guides and assistant leader to Rainbows.'

'In being asked to lead a GOLD project my perception of my abilities has improved no end. The affirmation of my GOLD Guyana 2013 team, family, friends and GOLD 2016 leaders believing that I am up to the job and 
past and present GOLD coordinators supporting me, has helped me learn to believe in myself. In turn, this has made me more confident at University, while on placement, among friends, in local Guiding and shown me that I am capable of much more than I often give myself credit for.'

'Being a student and a Rainbow leader has helped me to grow in confidence in a community that is bigger than the student bubble. Knowing I can positively influence a girl’s life, even by just providing an evening of fun at Rainbows, helps me to see my own potential for the future as a leader. Having girls who are happy to see me at a Rainbow meeting boosts my self-esteem because I am a part of their lives, especially when I don’t expect them to remember me!'

'It’s so important to grow up on positive messages, and in the face of too many negative messages I’ve certainly wrestled to try to create healthy levels of self-esteem and self-respect. Girlguiding gives me a network that actively welcomes and celebrates me, making me feel accepted and that I am part of something. I make a real difference to girls as they grow up, and that is one of the most healing activities I’ve ever been involved in.'

'Having volunteered for a number of years as a unit helper with Brownies, being asked to lead the unit has given me a huge boost to my self-esteem and confidence. It enabled me to realise I have the skills and abilities to lead an empower other young girls and women. I am extremely passionate about the ethos of Girlguiding and feel privelliged to be part of an organisation where I am enabling others to learn, explore and most importantly, have fun!'

'Before Girlguiding my friends were predominately male, and through blossoming friendships with other leaders, I have embraced female friendship and value how it is encouraging & supportive, whilst having adventures together. Girlguiding skills crossover into my work, such as teaching, facilitating learning, admin, etc., and by developing my skills as a Guide Leader I have become more involved in training on our new graduates scheme, increasing the number of people that I mentor. Joining Guiding in my late 20’s, it's not so much how Girlguiding has helped me grow in confidence, but instead how I can boost the girls’ self-esteem, and I have been able to value and recognise my own skills in challenging Guides to become very accomplished young ladies.'

Please take the 3 sentence challenge! We will be taking some of these comments to use in training on project in Aruba this summer, to help show the positive power of Guiding. We'd love to have some comments from different countries.


  1. Girl Guiding (or Scouts here in the States) was a fundamental building block for my self confidence as a young girl. Though I was involved in other activities such as sports, the bonds that I made with other girls my age in Girl Guiding were unique: I finally had role models who were strong women! Furthermore, Girl Guiding allowed me experience a wide range of activities I'd never been exposed to, and in doing so, opened up a whole new world of possibilities and passions that have stuck with me and are a large part of the woman I am today!

    1. Dani this is brilliant! Thank you so much for taking part.
