Friday, 2 September 2016

Another day, another training space!

Tonight we were based in the North of the island, at Felipe B Tromp School. The blue and white school building has a huge open square that we used for energisers and games. We trained 36 Padvindsters under the swirly pink and orange skies, and headed into a gated sports hall when it became too dark.

It was wonderful to see some of the Padvindsters from our initial training weekend, and it is hard to believe that we are now less than a week away from the end of project! We ran a Desert Island activity, asked what the girls liked, learned and would improve about the APG and created invitations for friends. Hopefully, we will see some new faces at tomorrow's bring a friend session!
Some of the feedback about the APG really touched our hearts, and we can't wait to share it all with the board and current leaders.

'I learned to be disciplined, to be lovely, to have love for what you do and a lot of things that you didn't know you can do.'

'I learned the joy of being in a group and how to get through anything.'
'Way too many things, but mostly how to accept people for who they truly are.'

'First aid, new fun songs, lots of games, how to make a fire, the scouting law.'

We started the session with the ever popular Splat, and sang 'Down by banks of the hanky panky'. Thunderation has been a great song to teach the girls; the GOLDies enjoy it almost as much as the girls! It was such a joy to learn some of the songs the girls like to sing, and we left with 'Oh, Oh Lay Lay' completely stuck in our heads!

Ridiculous moments:
The sweltering heat during training, and it still being 29 degrees at 10pm!
Eating like dogs out of plastic containers, because we forgot forks....whoops!
Playing school or prison in the gated sports hall

What's coming next?
- We will have our second day of Padvindsters training tomorrow, followed by weekend training on both days, and a visit to a special Beyisima and Kabouters session that has been organised just for us.

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