Thursday, 31 August 2017

The Conversation Continues

Tuesday and Wednesday this week saw us run two sessions for other community organisations: The Women's Club of Aruba and the Organisation of Public Pensioner's of Aruba (OPPA). We found out a little bit more about each of these other organisations and began a conversation about how they and the APG could work together in the future.


The Women's Club of Aruba is a charitable organisation who work on a wide variety of projects include 'Dress a Child' which takes place at Christmas time and taking action to address domestic violence. They're similar to the Soroptimists, Rotary and Lions organisations in the UK (who supported us with our fundraising efforts for our travel to Aruba). In the session we talked about some of the projects that the APG and the Women's Club have done together in the past such as 'Plant a Tree' and discussed ways that the two organisations could work together in the future: supporting each other with fundraising, volunteer recruitment, and developing the skills and career aspirations of girls and young women.

The OPPA are a group of retired professionals who gather for social activities and entertainments. One of the representatives from OPPA is also a member of the Tai Chi Association, and in our a discussion we talked about the possibilities of Padvindsters attending the Tai Chi centre, as well as how the APG could work together with OPPA on intergenerational activities.

Both sessions allowed us to showcase what guiding is about locally and internationally and allowed us to demonstrate some of the games and activities we use with our units in the UK. There was much laughing during our games of Zip Zap Boing and our rendition of Alice the Camel, and a beautiful moment when we closed the meetings with songs from each of our organisations (including 'Jazzy taps').

We hope others left as inspired as we did and these conversations continue so that the local communities can benefit from these collaborative projects!

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