Thursday, 22 August 2019

The Adventure so Far

The Project so Far
We met and stayed at the Heathrow Travelodge overnight before flying to Aruba via Miami. Naturally, we told our GOLD story to border control, but also to the Guiding District Commissioner in the lift, a man handing out free gum and multiple people in the toilets (amongst others)!

There was only one piece of luggage missing on arrival! This wasn't much of a problem as we'd got a lot of luggage overall! The APG met us very warmly and gave us a lift to our accommodation, which we'll be staying in for three weeks.

After being awake for nearly 24 hours we had a well earned rest! 
Car collection, Grocery shopping and Lunch occupied the morning, before reviewing our training plans in detail for the Thursday board meeting as well as the Friday, Saturday and Sunday wider training.

Discovering if a pool noodle be used as a stick in training
on the WAGGGS Leadership Mindsets - Collaborative Mindset

How did we end up in Aruba?!

We've been active on social media for the last few months, but if reading this blog for the first time...what are we doing here? The team were selected in September 2019 during a weekend where we met each other for the first time, our Leader Sophie made up the team.

After first and second briefing to learn about training, facilitation, songs and WAGGGS with the seven other GOLD teams, we held a third briefing weekend in Birmingham to develop more as a team and focus on our Arubaanese Padvinster Gilde aims and objectives and develop training plans to meet the training needs.

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